1. AurkezpenaCARXCkontraesanaExhaustValve
CARXckontraesanaexhaustvalve is the most commonly used exhaustvalve, which is combined and improved on the basis of floating ball and floating ball lever exhaustvalve. CARXckontraesanaexhaustvalve uses floating ball lever type exhaustdevice for micro exhaustunder pressure state; it uses floating ball type exhaustdevice for first water filling or a large number of intake and exhaustunder other conditions, which can increase the size of intake and exhaustport and greatly improve the intake and exhaustspeed. Milestone Valve Co. Ltd. is a professional valve manufacturer and a high-tech enterprise integrating industry and trade. Its valves are not only widely used in China, but also exported to many foreign markets.
2. Technical parameters of CARXckontraesanaexhaustvalve
Balbula mota | Quick ExhaustValve |
DN | DN25~DN400 |
PN(MPaï¼ ‰ | 0,6~4Mpa |
Diseinatzeko Tenperatura Tartea | 0â „ƒï½ž80â„ ƒ |
Konexio mota: | Bridatua |
Ordezko piezak | Materiala |
Gorputzaren estalkia | Altzairu forjatua, Altzairu galdatua, Altzairu herdoilgaitza, |
Zurtoina | Altzairu herdoilgaitza, brontzezko aluminioa |
Tapoi burua | Karbono altzairua, altzairu herdoilgaitza |
Fload | Altzairu herdoilgaitza |
3. ezaugarriakCARXCkontraesanaExhaustValve
1) The CARXckontraesanaexhaustvalve body is barrel shaped, and the valve internals include stainless steel ball, stem and disc.
2) The CARXckontraesanaexhaustvalve is installed at the pump outlet or in the water supply and distribution pipeline to remove the air accumulated in the pipeline, so as to improve the service efficiency of the pipeline and the pump. Once the negative pressure is generated in the pipeline, the valve quickly inhales the outside air to prevent the pipeline from being damaged due to the negative pressure.
4. laneko printzipioaCARXCkontraesanaExhaustValve
When water is injected into the pipe, the valve disc of CARXckontraesanaexhaustvalve is in the open position to exhausta large amount of air. When the air is exhausted, the valve disc of CARXckontraesanaexhaustvalve is in the open position The valve is full of water, and the floating ball rises and drives the valve disc to close to stop the exhaust. When the water in the pipe is normally transported, if a small amount of air accumulates in the valve to a certain extent, the water level in the valve will drop, and the floating ball will drop. At this time, the air will be discharged from the small hole. When the water pump stops, the water flow in the pipe is empty or negative pressure is generated in the pipe. At this time, the plug is quickly opened to inhale air to ensure the safety of the pipeline.
5. Ontziratzea eta entrega
6. Ohiko galderak
1. Ba al dezaket laginaren eskaera balbularako?
A: Bai, kalitatea probatzeko eta egiaztatzeko laginaren agindua onartzen dugu. Lagin mistoa onartzen da.
2. Ba al duzu MOQ mugarik balbula ordenatzeko?
A: MOQ baxua, laginak egiaztatzeko PC 1 dago eskuragarri.
3. OEM zerbitzua eskain al dezakezu?
A: Bai, OEM-ak daude erabilgarri.
4. Zer moduz ordainketa?
A: Normalean% 30eko gordailua onartzen dugu, eta saldoa bidali aurretik ordainduko da. L7C ondo dago
5. Zure tximeleta-balbulak entregatzeko denbora irauten du?
E: Tamaina gehienetarako, DN50-DN600, balbula piezak ditugu, 1-3 astetan entregatu daiteke, Tianjin itsas portu hurbilenera.
6. Zein da zure produktuen bermea?
A: Normalean 12 hilabeteko bermea eskaintzen dugu zerbitzuan edo bidalketa-datatik 18 hilabete.
7. Zein da zure produktuen estandarizazioa?
A: GB / T12238-2008, JBfT 8527-1997, API 609, EN 593-1998, DIN 85003-3-1997
7. Harremanetarako informazioa