Aplikazio ertaina eta tximeleta balbularen egoera


Tximeleta balbulabatez ere presio baxuko gas diametro handiko kanalizazio likidoetarako erabiltzen da. Egokia da presio galera eskakizuna handia ez den, emariaren erregulazioa beharrezkoa den eta irekitzeko eta ixteko baldintzak azkarrak diren kasuetarako; Oro har, tenperatura 300 â „ƒ azpitik dago eta presioa 40 kg-tik beherakoa da). Ertaina ur eta gasetarako erabiltzen da orokorrean, eta eskakizun ertaina ez da handia. Euskarri granularra ere erabil daiteke.

1) Komunikabideaktximeleta balbulagarraiatzeko eta kontrolatzeko ura, kondentsatua, zirkulazio-ura, estolderia, itsasoko ura, airea, gasa, gas natural likidoa, hauts lehorra, minda, fruta-minda eta solido esekiekin nahastuta daude.
2) Normalean, kontrolak erregulatzeko eta lokatz ertainean, egituraren luzera laburra eta irekitze eta ixteko abiadura azkarra (1/4 bira) behar dira. Presio baxuko ebaketa (presio desberdintasun txikia),tximeleta balbulagomendagarria da.
3) Tximeleta balbula can be used in double position adjustment, necking channel, low noise, cavitation and gasification, a small amount of leakage to the atmosphere and abrasive medium.
4) When the tximeleta balbula is used under special working conditions, such as throttling regulation, strict sealing requirement, severe wear and low temperature (cryogenic), the special tximeleta balbula with special designed metal sealing belt regulating device, tri eccentric or Bi eccentric, shall be used.
5) Soft seal eccentric tximeleta balbula is suitable for bidirectional opening and closing and adjustment of ventilation and dust removal pipeline, and is widely used in gas pipeline and water channel of metallurgy, light industry, electric power and petrochemical system.
6) Metal to metal wire sealed double eccentric tximeleta balbula is suitable for urban heating, gas supply, water supply and other gas, oil, acid and alkali pipelines, as a regulating and throttling device.
7) Metal to metal face sealed triple eccentric tximeleta balbula is not only used as program control valve of large PSA gas separation unit, but also widely used in petroleum, petrochemical, chemical, metallurgical, electric power and other fields. It is a good substitute for gate valve and stop valve.

MST tximeleta balbula is suitable for fresh water, sewage, sea water, salt water, steam, natural gas, food, medicine, oil, various acid and alkali and other pipelines which require complete sealing, zero leakage in gas test, high service lie and working temperature from - 10 ℃ to 150 ℃.

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